Pictar Pro Announcement

October 02, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Have you ever wished for something only to find out that your wish has been granted fairly soon, so you now wish that you wished for a million dollars? Well, just a few short weeks ago, reviewing Pictar by Miggo I concluded with this:


"to return to the promised third reason for my dislike of the phone cameras. It's a difficult-to-see screen during many outdoor scenarios. No matter what advances technology makes, there are still angles and lighting conditions where you can squint all you want, but you are essentially flying blind. Then there is that intimate eye-scene connection that a viewfinder provides, helping achieve much better compositions... If Miggo gives us a creative solution for this, phone combined with Pictar is going to be even more attractive as a camera alternative for many amateurs and as a solid backup for enthusiasts."


What do you know. This fine morning Miggo announced Pictar Pro, and one of the added features is... a viewfinder! 


Bright days is a bane of a phone photography no more. To keep things compact and neat, viewfinder apparently can be folded:



From the press-release: "uniquely connecting the viewfinder that automatically shrinks the image down on the phone to the size of the viewfinder via proprietary technology."


There are added features (for shooting video, among other things) and improved ergonomics over which you can pour on their Kickstarter page, but I want to mention specifically one more here. Press-release promises "wireless charging to keep the smartphone charged for continuous shooting." Is it cool or what? 


There is expanded compatibility with phone models, control addition (rocker switch for smooth zoom instead of choppy jumps), new modes, but... the video at the top of the Kickstarter page and description of the features throughout the page will showcase the gadget and multiple aspects of its use, so I'll leave you to it. Enjoy those humor bits in the video - I sure did.


I am looking forward to try new and improved Pictar when the Kickstarter campaign is over and shipment begins. It seems to address my last remaining reservations regarding phone photography. Meanwhile, gotta test my newfound powers and wish for that million dollars. I'll let you know how it goes. 



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